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  • Aufgabe 1

    Dauer: 5 Minuten 8 Punkte


    Write the numbers out.

    a. 5

    b. 21

    c. 49

    d. 84

    e. 101

    f. 489

    g. 804

    h. 1000

  • Aufgabe 2

    Dauer: 10 Minuten 16 Punkte


    Fill in the table. Use the following words.

    CDs – cheese – children – sausages – cups – dogs – euros – fun – juice – lemonade – milk – money – music – pencils – people – pizzas – pupils – time – water

    much (nicht zählbar) many (zählbar)
  • Aufgabe 3

    Dauer: 10 Minuten 14 Punkte


    Fill in much, many or a lot of.

    _____________  people came to the school party.
    On a farm you often see _____________  cows.
    We have often got _____________  homework.
    How _____________  bottles are there? 14.
    How _____________  milk is there? A lot.
    We had rain, snow and fog. We really had _____________    bad weather.
    How _____________  elephants are there? Four.
    How _____________  meat is there on that elephant?
    In a factory there are _____________  machines.
    How _____________  money do you need? 20 dollars.
    How _____________  euros do you need? 20.
    In the room there is _____________  furniture.
    After dinner I ate _____________  cheese.
    How _____________  cheese did you eat? About 150 grams.
  • Aufgabe 4

    Dauer: 10 Minuten 8 Punkte


    A normal school day. Look at Susie's timetable and write full sentences. 


    Susie starts at _____________  school at in the morning. She has a maths lesson from _____________  till _____________  and an English lesson from               _____________  till _____________ . Then there’s a break from _____________  till _____________ . Susie has a history lesson from _____________  till           _____________ . Then she has a geography lesson from _____________  till _____________ . There’s another (eine weitere) break from _____________  till     _____________ . The German lesson is from _____________  till _____________ . Susie’s last lesson, French, is from _____________  till_____________  in the afternoon.

  • Aufgabe 5

    Dauer: 5 Minuten 8 Punkte


    Fill in some or any.

    Only _____________ of Jack’s friends are at the party. Not all of them. 

    A: There isn’t _____________ cheese in the kitchen. 
    B: I can buy _____________ bread and cheese at the supermarket this afternoon. 

    We don’t have _____________ chocolate to make a chocolate cake. 

    Don’t close the door. There are still _____________ children outside.

    I have so much homework. I haven’t got _____________ time to talk with you now. 

    _____________ people like to work in the morning; other people like to work at night. 

    Have you got _____________ questions about the test?

    There aren’t _____________ books about horses in the library.

  • Aufgabe 6

    Dauer: 10 Minuten 3 Punkte


    Say it in English.

    a. Frage auf Englisch, ob es (irgendwelche) großen Schulen in dieser Stadt gibt.

    b. Sage auf Englisch, dass du einige Freunde in deiner Straße hast.

    c. Sage auf Englisch, dass du kein Geld hast.