Use the verbs of perception to form sentences with either an infinitive or a participle. Remember in which situation you use which form.
to hear / to play / you / can / someone / the piano?
to hear / the firecracker / I / to explode
to watch / to walk down / the wedding guests / the aisle / the bride
to feel / to get / you / can/ the room / warmer?
to see / to close / you / him / the door
to watch / to enter / him / the audience / the stage
Aufgabe 2
Dauer:5 Minuten3 Punkte
You are shopping with your friends. Suddenly you notice that you have lost your wallet. You discuss what to do now. Shorten the following sentences by using a to-infinitive.
You: “What shall I do now? I am confused.”
Stella: “The first thing is that you remember where you might have lost it.”
Chris: “We could go back to the last shop. There you could ask if they have found it.”
Aufgabe 3
Dauer:10 Minuten10 Punkte
Re-form the school rules by using the infinitive with to.
The principal expects that you keep the school clean.
The principal expects that you work well in class.
The principal expects that you always act respectfully towards your fellow students and your teachers.
The principal expects that you leave the building during the long breaks.
The principal advises you that you always arrive in class on time.
The principal advises you that you pay attention in class.
The principal advises you that you always bring your school books.
The principal allows that you can use the toilets anytime you need to.
The principal allows that you can use the library.
The principal allows that you can bring your own drinks and food.
Aufgabe 4
Dauer:5 Minuten6 Punkte
What would be your perfect school rules? Write down at least six of them by using the infinitive with to.
Aufgabe 5
Dauer:10 Minuten8 Punkte
Use the beginning of the sentences and the pictures to form ‘object + ing-form’ constructions.
She feels uncomfortable …
Kira likes …
The mother doesn’t like …
Baby Lisa loves …
I hate people…
The mother worries about…
Penny doesn’t like Peter…
Aufgabe 6
Dauer:10 Minuten12 Punkte
Translate the following sentences into English. Decide if you need to use the gerund or the to-infinitive.
Sie sollte nicht vergessen ihrer Großmutter für das Geschenk zu danken.
Zac versuchte über den Zaun zu klettern.
Er wollte mich nicht verletzten, aber er tat es.
Dieses Buch zu lesen heißt dein Leben für immer zu verändern.
Ich erinnere mich wie glücklich unser Hund war, als wir ihn aus dem Tierheim abholten.
Bitte rede weiter. Ich wollte dich nicht unterbrechen.