Read the following text and tick (✔) the correct answer.
There was an accident in Main Street this morning. A car crashed into a young boy who was on his bike on his way to school. An ambulance took the boy to hospital. Doctors said that the boy had a broken leg and a head injury*. He is now in hospital. The police said that the boy had a helmet but that it was not on his head at the time of the accident. A doctor at the hospital said that many bike accidents that are not too serious can be fatal** because the riders do not wear their helmets. “He always wears his helmet when he leaves the house,” said the boy’s mother who was in the waiting room. “Yes, but it isn’t cool to wear a helmet,” one of the boy’s friends who had come with him to the hospital explained. “OK, perhaps you don’t think helmets are cool. But let me tell you what really isn’t cool. It isn’t cool to leave your house on a bike and to return in a wheelchair***,” said the doctor.
The boy and his friends think helmets are not cool.
Aufgabe 2
Dauer:5 Minuten7 Punkte
Fill in who, that or whose.
An X-ray is a very useful thing ________ Wilhelm Röntgen discovered.
Röntgen was a man ________ was born in 1845 and ________ wife was German.
An ambulance is a vehicle ________ takes people to hospital.
The man ________ knocked the boy off his bike is talking to the police.
Mrs Parker is the woman ________ son was in the accident.
The bike ________ was damaged in the accident is now at the police station.
Aufgabe 3
Dauer:10 Minuten8 Punkte
Add the correct question tags.
You must wear a helmet when you ride a bike, ________?
A doctor helps you when you go to hospital, ________?
You aren’t hurt, ________?
You had an accident last year, ________?
You mustn’t make noise in hospital, ________?
You haven’t had that bike long, ________?
It is your right arm that is broken, ________?
Doctor, I will be able to walk again, ________?
Aufgabe 4
Dauer:10 Minuten8 Punkte
Translate the sentences.
Mein Vater wird wieder laufen können, oder?
Es ist cool, einen Helm zu tragen.
Es gab heute Morgen einen Unfall.
Der Junge, der auf einem Fahrrad zur Schule fuhr, ist jetzt im Krankenhaus.
Aufgabe 5
Dauer:5 Minuten8 Punkte
Translate these words from German to English and from English to German.
gebrochenes Bein
waiting room
to crash into sth.
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