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  • Aufgabe 1

    Dauer: 10 Minuten 3 Punkte


    Read the text carefully.

    Schools warned of pupils hooked on energy drinks 

    by Polly Curtis, the Guardian, September 3, 2008

    Children are becoming dependent on energy drinks that have dramatic effects on their concentration and behaviour in schools, drug experts have warned.

    Schools are being advised to observe children for signs of agitation which could be a result of excessive caffeine consumption. It follows reports of pupils drinking large quantities of energy drinks or taking caffeine-based pills.

    The warning, from the anti-drugs advisory group (Anti-Drogen Beratungsgruppe) Drug Education UK, comes as ministers prepare to unveil (enthüllen) new measures (Maßnahmen) tomorrow to improve school dinners and advise parents on children's packed lunches.

    Bob Tait, from Drug Education UK, said: "There is a growing problem of caffeine abuse in schools. Most schools have a drug education programme to advise kids against illegal drugs, but there is less known about legal highs."

    He made his warning at a conference of school nurses this week, the Nursing Standard reported. Tait said: "Children will drink them on the walk to school, at break and lunch time. If you have got a child who is worked up on an energy drink, they are going to be agitated during lesson time."

    Energy drinks contain up to 160 mg of caffeine per can, while tablets can contain 50 mg of caffeine per tablet. They are said to combat (bekämpfen) tiredness, improve performance and boost concentration. Tait singled out Bruzz as a particular problem.

    Malcolm Trobe, head of Malmesbury school in Wiltshire until last term and now policy director (Leiter der Strategieabteilung) of the Association of School and College Leaders (Schulleiter und Schulleiterinnen), said: "Schools are concerned about the abuse of energy drinks. What is clear is students use them at exam time, if they are staying up late and revising or if they've got a lot of exams on one day."

    Margaret Morrissey, of the National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations (Nationale Vereinigung von Eltern-Lehrer Verbänden), said: "These drinks are often marketed to help pupils through exams. It means we are teaching children early to have addictions, when any average young person with an average lifestyle does not need an energy drink to make it through the day."

    A Bruzz spokesman said: "In general, children are more sensitive to caffeine than adults. This is why we do not recommend Bruzz to caffeine-sensitive individuals, including children."

    Quelle: Curtis, Polly: Schools warned of pupils hooked on energy drinks, https://www.theguardian.com/education/2008/sep/03/pupilbehaviour.schools , letzter Zugriff am: 23.10.2019. © Copyright Guardian News & Media Ltd 2008

    Choose the correct answer:

    a. The article "Schools warned of pupils hooked on energy drinks", by Polly Curtis, published in The Guardian, September 3, 2008, is about the dangers of energy drinks for schoolchildren.

    b. The article "Schools warned of pupils hooked on energy drinks", by Petra Curtis, published in The Guardian, September 3, 2008, is about the benefits of energy drinks for schoolchildren.

    c. The article "Schools warned of pupils hooked on energy drinks", by Polly Curtis, published in The Guardian, September 3, 2008, deals with drug addiction in schoolchildren.

  • Aufgabe 2

    Dauer: 5 Minuten 6 Punkte


    Find arguments that support or oppose the following statement: "The sale of energy drinks to underage pupils should be banned". Fill in the chart with the arguments.

    pro arguments contra arguments


  • Aufgabe 3

    Dauer: 5 Minuten 6 Punkte


    Link the arguments using the appropriate words and expressions. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer.

    1. Energy drinks are said to make one awake and energetic. ____________ , they often have the opposite effect on students.

    • Nevertheless
    • On the contrary
    • In addition

    2. ___________ , I would like to note that energy drinks are legal, and their consumption is harmless.

    • To begin with
    • Bearing in mind
    • In contrast

    3. Bearing in mind the benefits of using energy drinks, I would, __________ , like to state a few arguments against it.

    • although
    • however
    • perhaps

    4. First, these drinks are unheathy as they contain a lot of caffeine and sugar. ___________ , their effects are only short-term. Thirdly, their excessive consupmtion increases addiction to caffeine.

    • Finally
    • Secondly
    • Similarly

    5. Energy drinks are unhealthy as they contain a lot of caffeine and sugar. _____________ , their excessive use may increase the risk of dental caries.

    • Yet
    • Secondly
    • Moreover

    6. I believe that banning the sale of energy drinks will make them even more attractive for students, ____________ the forbidden fruit is sweet.

    • due to
    • as
    • while
  • Aufgabe 4

    Dauer: 25 Minuten 20 Punkte


    Comment on the following statement: "The sale of energy drinks to underage students should be banned". Write an argumentative essay supporting or opposing the ban. Give arguments for both positions, and state your own position. Write about 350-400 words.