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  • Aufgabe 1

    Dauer: 5 Minuten 35 Punkte


    Complete the table with the different past forms.

      simple past past progressive past perfect past perfect progressive
    be   was/were being    
    go   was/were going    
    make       had been making
    say said      
  • Aufgabe 2

    Dauer: 5 Minuten 10 Punkte


    Look at the photos and complete the sentences using the simple past or past progressive.

    1. The girl ________________________ when the boy pulled her hair.


    Kinder im Zug
    Kinder im Zug

    2. Katja was sleeping when ________________________.



    3. Alina ________________________  in the park when she heard someone call her name.



    4. Tim’s manager wasn’t very happy that Tim ________________________  while he was working.



    5. Richie was waiting in his car at a red light when the car behind him ________________________him.


  • Aufgabe 3

    Dauer: 5 Minuten 16 Punkte


    Match the correct ending to each sentence beginning.

    1. Before he hurt his leg,
    2. After he had hurt his leg,
    3. We hadn´t been talking loudly,
    4. We started talking with our friends
    5. Before we left Buckingham Palace,
    6. We had been taking selfies
    7. They had been walking around the city for an hour
    8. The tourist information had closed minutes

    but our teacher told us to be quiet.

    we had taken a few selfies.

    before they arrived.

    Sam had been skateboarding down some steps.

    when the guard asked us to stop.

    Sam decided to find a new hobby.

    before they asked for directions.

    after our class had ended.

  • Aufgabe 4

    Dauer: 20 Minuten 28 Punkte


    Complete the gaps using the words in the brackets. Use the simple past, past progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive.

    The bus ____________ (to be) late. Again. And we ____________ (to not be) very happy. My friend Oliver ____________  (to suggest) the train, but I ____________ (to tell) him the bus is always faster. But it ____________  (to not be). Not that night.

    I ____________ (to send) a message on my smartphone. Maybe one of our friends ____________ (to be) nearby.

    We ____________  (to wait) for the bus for about an hour when Peter ____________ (to drive) by. He ____________ (to stop) the car and ____________ (to ask) us if we wanted a ride home.

    “Jump in, I can take you home,” he said. “I ____________ (to leave) my grandmother’s house when I ____________ (to see) your message.”

    I ____________ (to look) at Oliver. Peter goes to our school and is definitely not our favourite person in the world, but we ____________ (to not wait) to wait outside in the cold any longer. We ____________ (to open) the door and ____________ (to get) into the car. Pretty soon, though, we ____________ (to wish) we ____________ (to not accept) Peter’s offer. It was a wild ride. He ____________ (to drive) far too fast, about 30 km above the limit. And while he ____________  (to drive), he ____________ (to watch) a movie about racing cars on his phone. We ____________ (to drive) for about 20 minutes when we ____________ (to hear) a loud noise. Peter quickly ____________ (to stop) the car and ____________ (to get) out: a flat tyre. Because he ____________ (to drive) so fast, Peter ____________ (to not see) the large piece of wood in the middle of the road. Oliver looked over at me.

    “I know,” I said. “Next time we’ll take the train.”

  • Aufgabe 5

    Dauer: 10 Minuten 12 Punkte


    Translate the sentences into English.

    Wir warteten gerade in einer Schlange vor dem Kino, als wir eine Frau aus der Bank rennen sahen. Sie trug eine Maske über ihrem Gesicht. Ein paar Minuten später kam der Wachmann nach draußen. Die Frau hatte gerade die Bank ausgeraubt.