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  • Aufgabe 1

    Dauer: 7 Minuten 12 Punkte


    Add the simple past and past participle forms of the following irregular verbs to the grid and give their German meaning.

    infinitive simple past past participle German translation
    (to) burst      
    (to) dig (for sth.)      
    (to) prefer sth. (to sth.)      
    (to) tear      
    (to) shake      
    (to) sink      
    (to) seek      
    (to) sew      
    (to) proofread      
    (to) rise up      
    (to) broadcast      
    (to) forbid      


  • Aufgabe 2

    Dauer: 10 Minuten 16 Punkte


    Fill in the correct versions of the verbs. If there are two verb forms missing within one sentence, check the context of the sentence to make sure you use the correct type of if-clause.

    1. If I ________________ (to learn) better, I would have written a better class test.
    2. Sheila _______________________ (to get married) to Sam if he had not been married to Mary.
    3. Virginia would have bought a new house if she ______________ (to have) the money.
    4. If Sarah _________ (to visit) me next weekend, we ___________________ (to go) to the local music festival.
    5. If they scored another goal, they ________________ (to win) the game.
    6. If I _______________ (to miss) the train, I would take the bus.
    7. I will send you a message if you ______________ (to give) me your number.
    8. If they hadn't gone to Mount Rushmore together, they ________________________ (not to be) so fascinated.


  • Aufgabe 3

    Dauer: 7 Minuten 10 Punkte


    Use participle (present/past) clauses to make one sentence out of two.

    1. There are lots of people on the train. The train arrives in London at 7pm.
    2. A man was standing next to me. He was writing text messages with his mobile.
    3. In the stadium, we met a French girl. She talked during the whole match.
    4. One man was filming the roof construction. It was made by a German architect.
    5. We saw a lot of disinterested spectators. They were listening to music on their headphones.

  • Aufgabe 4

    Dauer: 7 Minuten 10 Punkte


    Translate the following sentences into German.

    1. You have a point there.
    2. I'm determined to win this game.
    3. We just caught the very last train.
    4. I meant to call you for your birthday, but I forgot.
    5. My dad runs a business in Newcastle.

  • Aufgabe 5

    Dauer: 12 Minuten 15 Punkte


    Translate the following sentences into English.

    1. Wir müssen etwas gegen die Erderwärmung tun.
    2. Weder Michael noch Tom haben ihre Hausaufgaben gemacht.
    3. Ich bin verrückt nach Eiscreme.
    4. Je eher du hier ankommst, desto desser.
    5. Kann ich mich auf dich verlassen?

  • Aufgabe 6

    Dauer: 17 Minuten 25 Punkte


    You are on a trip in the Australian outback with your family. After taking a walk, you come back to your starting point and your rental car is not there anymore. Your dad asks you to call the police as your English is much better. To make sure that you have all the important information, he writes down some notes on a piece of paper.
    Mediate the information during your phone call with the police officer on duty. Make sure that the dialogue makes sense with regard to the officer's answers. You might be creative about some additional information.

    - Autokennzeichen: XJJ-12-1, Mietwagen
    - Heimflug geht morgen
    - Geld und Papiere im Auto
    - genauer Standort schwer zu beschreiben
    - Wie kommen wir zurück zum Hotel?
    - Kindersitz für Maya

    Police Officer (PO): Emergency service. What can I do for you?

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: Calm down, mate. You need to give me some details. Are you travelling alone?

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: I see. Let's first check whether there is already some information about the car. Could you give me the license plate number and describe the car?

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: Mhh, I can't find anything here. I suppose it was stolen. I will contact the rental car service for you, so don't worry about that.

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: Tomorrow? Oh my! Do you have your passports with you?

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: Then we need to call the embassy. They will be able to help you.

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: Of course we will help you get to your hotel. Can you tell me exactly where you are?

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: Well then, I'll have to trace your cell phone. Hang on. OK, no problem, we can pick you up. Stay right where you are. Bye for now.

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: Sure, what do you need?

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: Of course, we will care for your sister's safety. It will take some time to pick you up, but everything is going to be fine.

    You: ____________________________________________________

    PO: Don't worry, that's my job. Take care.

    You: ____________________________________________________