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  • Aufgabe 1

    Dauer: 5 Minuten 5 Punkte


    Decide which indirect speech corresponds to the given direct speech.

    1. My penfriend, “School in Britain usually starts at 9 o’clock.” - My penfriend told me that ...
      1. school in Britain usually starts at 9’clock.
      2. school in Britain usually started at 9 o’clock.
    2. Tom, “How did you like New York last spring?” - Tom asked his friend ...
      1. how had he liked New York the previous spring.
      2. how he had liked New York the previous spring.
    3. Jack, “I was ill two weeks ago.” - Jack says that ...
      1. he was ill two weeks ago.
      2. he was ill two weeks before.
    4. Tina, “John, help me! The milk is boiling over.” - Tina wanted ...
      1. John to help her because the milk was boiling over.
      2. John that he has to help her because the milk is boiling over.
    5. Mr Edwards, “Do you like dancing?” - Mr Edwards asked the lady...
      1. if she likes dancing.
      2. if she liked dancing.
  • Aufgabe 2

    Dauer: 5 Minuten 7 Punkte


    Use the verbs in the correct tense.

    1. John told me that Fiona _____ (already / to go) by nine.
    2. Dave asks me if I _____  (to think) that it _____  (to rain) tomorrow.
    3. The guests complained that the coffee _____  (to be cold) the day before.
    4. Mum tells me that Sue _____  (to phone) two hours ago and she _____  (to phone) again.
    5. The man said that a lot of children _____  (to wait) in front of the gate then.
  • Aufgabe 3

    Dauer: 10 Minuten 10 Punkte


    Convert the following sentences back to direct speech.

    1. Henry told his friend that he had met the most beautiful woman the previous night.
    2. Mum told me to get up and not to be late for breakfast.
    3. Robert asks if I prefer strawberry ice cream to cherry ice cream.
    4. Our teacher complained that we had been too late for lessons twice so far.
    5. The tourist said he had seen the most interesting things there that day.
  • Aufgabe 4

    Dauer: 15 Minuten 16 Punkte


    Translate this dialogue into German.

    ​Chemist, "Hello, may I help you?"
    Customer, "Yes, please. My little daughter has a terrible cough. I’ve got a prescription."
    Chemist, "Let me see. You’re lucky, I’ve got the medicine here. Let me get it for you."
    Customer, "Thank you very much. Can you tell me how often she has to take it?"
    Chemist, "Yes, how old is your daughter?"
    Customer, "She’s three years old."
    Chemist, "Okay, then you have to give her the medicine three times a day: in the morning after breakfast, in the afternoon and before you put her to bed in the evening. It’s a juice, so give her one spoonful. She shouldn’t drink anything afterwards."
    Customer, "Thank you very much for all your help."
    Chemist, "You’re welcome. Good bye. And get well soon, little girl."

  • Aufgabe 5

    Dauer: 10 Minuten 8 Punkte


    Translate the following sentences.

    1. Jill sagte ihren Eltern, dass sie die Polizei anrufen sollten.
    2. Jeff erzählte seiner Mutter, dass er seine Englischlehrerin gestern getroffen hätte.
    3. Unser Lehrer wollte wissen, ob wir jemals Musik heruntergeladen hätten.
    4. Sandras Mutter bat ihre Tochter, das Handy nicht zu vergessen.